
Showing posts from December, 2020

My Personal Statement Essay to Bryn Athyn College

[ Image Description : "A PLACE IS PROVIDED IN HEAVEN FOR ALL WHO LEAD GOOD LIVES NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RELIGION MAY BE.' -EMMANUEL SWEDENBORG" in center-aligned white letters on black letter board with beige wooden border. The letter is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple, quilt as the background] Prompt : " At Bryn Athyn College you will be encouraged to explore your own spiritual beliefs in potentially new and different ways.  Please respond to one of the following quotes in a personal statement of at least 250 words reflecting on how the idea is relevant to your life and why you think Bryn Athyn College is a good fit for you. Quote I chose :   " A place is provided in heaven for all who lead good lives, no matter what their religion may be." -Emmanuel Swedenborg "       From my perspective, I look at people based on the things that they do in their lives because actions define our character. As an advocate for humanity, I am di...