[Image Description: There is a graphic with the title "Contact Me!" in center-aligned black text with an envelope with a heart on it emoji center-aligned below it in a light purple rectangle overlapping a light teal and light pink circuit board-like pattern of connecting lines and dots as a tech-inspired aesthetic. A pink square with camera icon as the Instagram logo, Facebook logo, and Snapchat logo are above the light purple rectangle. The LinkedIn logo is center-aligned below the light purple rectangle. My First Former Buddy Club President logo is in the bottom left corner.]
My Platforms:
If you want to see more of my content about advocating for the disability community and teaching, please click on the hyperlinks below to follow and like my social media platforms:
Instagram: @firstformerbuddyclubpresident
Facebook: First Former Buddy Club President
LinkedIn: Emily Hoff
Email: Email me at
Let me know why you are reaching out (questions, compliments, suggestions, collaborations, public speaking request, invitations, etc.) along with your pronouns in the subject line💌
Reposting My Content:
If you ever want to repost any of my content to your own page or story, you always can! You do not ever need to ask if you can repost any of my content because all support is always appreciated. Please just always make sure to tag me in the reposts and keep my logo visible. This is not only for the purpose of respect and credit, but for a chance of me giving you a shoutout for sharing my content and preaching with me as well😊 Thank you💕
If you are reaching out to collaborate, I will review all requests as soon as possible and let you know if I accept. Typically, I accept the following collaborations on and off my page:
- Motivational speaking
- Interviews
- Guest posts
- Partnerships
- Giveaways
- Other
[Image Description: "FIRST FORMER BUDDY CLUB PRESIDENT" in center-aligned bold italicized black text in a big light blue heart. There are also many dark red hearts with a lighter blue background that the big light blue heart is overlapping.]
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