
Showing posts from July, 2022

Lateral Flow Immunoassays for Point-of-Care Diagnostic Testing - Richard Hoff, B.A., M.S. in Bioengineering

The topic of this week's blog post is taking a different spin on things after a while.  My brother, Richard "Richie" Hoff (he/him/his), has a Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Bio-Engineering from Temple University. Richie also has another Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Cornell University. One of the courses that he was required to take towards his Master's Degree at Cornell was a course called Core Concepts of Disease. For one of the assignments for this course, each of the students enrolled in the class had to write individual research papers about emerging research related to disease; so, Richie chose to write his research essay about lateral flow assays. Since this topic is scientific and very informative when it comes to diagnostic testing of medical health concerns, Richie and I have agreed together that it would be beneficial to be uploaded as a guest post. CONTENT WARNING: I would like to mention that a ll content posted on m...

Intro to the New Church Doctrines Journal #15

[Image Description: "FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO. -JOSHUA 1:9" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a gray blanket as the background. ] CONTENT WARNING:  The religious/spiritual opinions on this blog post are mine based on my own experien ces and do not reflect the opinions and experiences of everyone. Commentaries published on my First Former Buddy Club President influencer page represent diverse viewpoints. If you would like to su bmit a commentary, please contact me for more information. All perspectives and experiences are welcome here. In my first trimester at Bryn Athyn College, I was required to take a religion course along with eventually some other religion courses since it is a religious school. Bryn Athyn practices the New Church religion of Swedenborg so the required religion course that I took this trimester was Intro to the New Church Doctrines. F...