
Showing posts from October, 2022

Trauma-Informed Practices for Supporting Children with Incarcerated Parents

I wrote an essay about ways to support children with incarcerated parents  in the Family Partnerships in Early Childhood Education course that I took in my first semester of college. Since incarceration and crime are trauma and trauma-informed care and education is a very important part of the education field, I decided to upload this essay as a blog post. TRIGGER WARNING: If you are affected by incarceration in your family, this blog post may be triggering. If you need support right now, please seek help from a therapist, other mental health professional, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text "HOME" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741   if you live in the USA or  text "CONNECT" to the Crisis Text Line at 686868 if you live in Canada.     The Children of Incarcerated Parents Library is a wonderful and very useful resource for teachers working with students with incarcerated family members. The Children of Incarcerated Parents Library contribu

What is Cyberbullying?

[Image Description:  "TWEET OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TWEETED. -MEGAN MEIER FOUNDATION" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering on a flowered table cloth on a white bureau in front of a wall. The image also has a black and white filter. ] TRIGGER WARNING:  If you are affected by bullying and/or suicide/suicidal thoughts, this blog post may be triggering. If you need support right now, please seek help from a therapist or other mental health professional or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or text "HOME" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741   if you live in the USA or  text "CONNECT" to the Crisis Text Line at 686868 if you live in Canada.     "Cyberbullying victims can be bullied anytime and from anywhere because most children have access to digital devices outside of school" (Uhls 2012). Unlike the traditional bully, cyberbullies can harass their victims twenty-four hours a day, s