
Showing posts from March, 2024

Happy World Down Syndrome Day 2024: Free Will to be Kind

[Image Description: My feet are standing and wearing blue and yellow Down Syndrome awareness socks. ] CONTENT WARNING:  The religious/spiritual opinions on this blog post are mine based on my own experien ces and do not reflect the opinions and experiences of everyone. Commentaries published on my First Former Buddy Club President influencer page represent diverse viewpoints. If you would like to su bmit a commentary, please contact me for more information. All perspectives and experiences are welcome here.     According to Emanuel Swedenborg, "The Lord is the source from which all good and truth flow, and it is the church which receives this good and truth and puts them into effect" (CL 120). By saying this, Swedenborg is stating that the Lord is the source from where all good and truth flows, and the church receives those goods and truths and puts them into effect. This is because the Lord gives everyone free will. So, therefore, everyone can make the decision to follow...

Down Syndrome Awareness Week 2024: The Importance of Treating Everyone with Respect

[Image Description: "HEARING THE WORD 'RETARD' UTTERED HURTS NOT ONLY THE INDIVIDUALS, BUT THE HEARTS OF THEIR FAMILIES AS WELL. PLEASE STOP THE USAGE OF THIS WORD" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is a tiny white heart suit center-aligned below "USAGE OF THIS WORD." The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt as the background. ] CONTENT WARNING:  The religious/spiritual opinions on this blog post are mine based on my own experien ces and do not reflect the opinions and experiences of everyone. Commentaries published on my First Former Buddy Club President influencer page represent diverse viewpoints. If you would like to su bmit a commentary, please contact me for more information. All perspectives and experiences are welcome here.      Hey everyone!  👋🏻  It feels like forever since I've written a blog post!!! Student teaching has been so time-consuming...