Funny Jokes to Cheer You Up While in Quarantine Brought to You by Ben Odhner
[Image Description: Pattern of 12 face with tears of joy emojis (yellow smiley face laughing with blue tears coming out of closed eyes and an open mouth with teeth showing and black) and 12 black mustaches with a red background]
Originally posted on May 30, 2020 on Facebook Notes on my Facebook page
1. "Why didn't the moon want any dessert? Because it was full!"
2. "What do you call a cow who works in a crystal mine? Underground Beef!"
3. "What do you say when the Statute of Liberty sneezes? God Bless America!"
4. "Why did the Jell-O have red lips? Because it was pudding on makeup!"
5. "What is an elephant's favorite candy? Reese's peanut butter cups!"
6. "What do you call a clean, nice, hardworking monster? A failure!"
7. "If humans eat walnuts, what do robots eat? Lug nuts!"
8. "Where does a snowman go to dance? A snowball? A snowball!"
9. "What kind of haircut does a bee get? A buzz-cut!"
10. "Where does a hamburger go to dance? A meatball!"
We hope you like these! Comment below if you have any other funny jokes to add!
To read more about how cool Ben is, please click below to read his inclusion interview:
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