Intro to the New Church Doctrines Journal #5

[Image Description: "IT IS NO COINCIDENCE THAT YOU ARE HERE" is in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with a beige wooden border. There is also a tiny white unfilled heart center-aligned under "ARE HERE." The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

CONTENT WARNING: The religious/spiritual opinions in this blog post are mine based on my own experiences. They do not reflect everyone's opinions, experiences, and actions. Commentaries published on my First Former Buddy Club President influencer page represent diverse viewpoints. If you would like to submit a commentary, please contact me for more information. All perspectives and experiences are welcome here.

In my first trimester at Bryn Athyn College, I was required to take a religion course along with eventually some other religion courses since it is a religious school. Bryn Athyn practices the New Church religion of Swedenborg so the required religion course that I took this trimester was Intro to the New Church Doctrines. For the class, one of the required assignments was to write daily journals based on readings from "You Can Believe!: An Introduction to the New Christianity" written by Grant Schnarr (The author was actually my professor for the class! He is a minister in the church!) and we students had to apply what we read to our lives. So, since some of the content mentioned in this short essay that I wrote is related to the content that I post on my disability advocacy influencer page, I have decided to upload it is a blog post. Here is Journal #5.

Prompt: "Read You Can Believe! Chapter 2 - What am I doing here? Show me you read, thought deeply about what you read, and apply it to your life."

    There are many possible theories and perspectives as to why there is human existence. From my individual theory, I believe that I exist for many reasons including my career path, to make a difference in people's lives, and that the cause of my existence is due to the Big Bang theory. In You Can Believe! written by Grant Schnarr, the following is stated: "I can close my eyes and feel it in my heart, in my spirit: the reality of love, pain, and bliss, the wonder of the unknown, and the fact that I can sense the sacred whisper to me in no uncertain terms that life is important, that I am important, so important that everything has meaning deeper than I can fathom" (pg. 18, Schnarr 2006). I can definitely relate to this because I truly do believe that my career choice is the main reason that I exist.

    My career path choice is to become a Special Education teacher, specifically working in Life Skills Support. I have been participating in lots of community service for helping the disability community starting from when I was in ninth grade to present. I participate in these acts of kindness to not only prepare me for this dream job of mine, but also because I enjoy advocacy work anyway. I am choosing to work in this field because I really enjoy helping others without expecting anything in return. In addition, I speculate that my existence was caused by the Big Bang theory "at the beginning of creation, which leaves us perhaps as the 'stuff that stars are made of'" (pg. 17, Schnarr 2006). However, I do not believe that this is why I am here; I believe that my passions came out of this scientific theory are the reasons why I exist. This is because through helping others, I am making a difference in their lives and I am passionate about my work.

    Everyone is entitled to have their own theories about why they exist as long as they are shared in a civil manner. The inclusive reason as to why God created us is because He loves everyone equally.

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1.  Schnarr, Grant. You Can Believe!: An Introduction to the New Christianity. 2006.


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