
Showing posts from September, 2023

Interventions for Young Children with Intellectual Disabilities

[Image Description:  Male toddler with Down Syndrome with short brown hair who is wearing a long sleeved white shirt with 2 black buttons buttoned in the middle. The toddler is also sitting at a beige table and holding a red colored pencil in his right hand while drawing with it on a white paper. There are two orange, one yellow, one light green, one dark green, and one light pink colored pencils, a red bucket filled with one red, one orange, one dark green, two dark blue, one purple, and one brown colored pencils, and a red and green, red and light pink, and red black markers laying on the table. There are also two people on the left side of the toddler with a white wall and Smart Board in the background.] CONTENT WARNING:   I would like to mention that I am not a medical doctor, psychologist, or therapist.  All content posted on my disability advocate/teacher influencer page is for educational purposes only with no intent to provide any professional services.  If y...

How Traumatic Loneliness Can Be Is Not Talked About Enough

[Image Description: "Loneliness can be traumatic and is not talked about enough" in left-aligned Marker Felt font outlined in white. My First Former Buddy Club President logo is in the bottom right corner of the image with "FIRST FORMER BUDDY CLUB PRESIDENT" in center-aligned black Marker Felt font overlapping an enlarged light blue heart with several small red hearts and a lighter blue background in the background of the enlarged heart. The background of the whole image has a light, medium, and dark gray smoky appearance. ]   CONTENT WARNING:   I would like to mention that I am not a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist.  All content posted on my disability advocate/teacher influencer page is for educational purposes only with no intent to provide any professional services.  Social media should never be used as a substitute for mental nor medical health care nor legal advice.  If you suspect that you or your loved one are experiencing any mental...

How and Why to Build Relationships in School

[Image Description: Group picture of 4 babies and I. There are heart eyes emojis covering each baby's face. On the left side of me, there is a baby sitting on the floor with their head turned towards me. I am holding two babies in my lap. There is another baby in a rainforest themed baby bouncer on my right side. There is a plush pink square ring laying on the floor on the right side in front of us. There is a white emergency evacuation crib on the left side behind us and 2 wooden cribs with clear glass and a white mattress inside of each of them on the right side behind us. The walls are yellow and light green. There is a square shaped orange and purple bulletin board with tie-dyed rainbow bordering behind us. ]      Brain research studies have been showing that creating a positive emotional climate and building relationships in schools has many benefits, including helping the learning process. When these relationships are built, it creates healthy attachments between th...