My 50+ Favorite Affirmations

1. "Everyone is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. So always be kind."
    I live by this affirmation because it is true. No one knows the full story of what everyone is going through. Anyone could experience disability or any differences. Disabilities can be invisible, anyone could have a child or loved one with disabilities, anyone could develop disabilities later on in life, or anyone could even have disabilities and just not know it. It is highly stressful and disrespectful to correct someone on their reference to their communities and themselves as everyone with disabilities experiences their disability journey differently. Someone with disabilities may experience similar things that others with disabilities experience as part of their diagnosis while others may experience parts of their disability journey differently. For example, the majority of people with autism spectrum disorder identify as “autistic” while there are still some who identify with person-first language which would be “person with autism or autism spectrum disorder” or “on the spectrum”, or some people with intellectual disabilities have physical features while others do not or some people with physical disabilities/physically disabled people need wheelchairs, crutches, or other assistive technology to get around while others do not or some people with autism/autistics/people on the autism spectrum struggle with social skills while others struggle more or less with it and so on. I never correct people when I hear them using people-first language or identity-first language no matter who it is. I always benefit the doubt and take into consideration, “What if they are part of the disability community too, I just don’t know it, and that’s what they identify as?”. Their disability could be invisible, it is up to them to open up about it or not, and they could be talking that way because that is what they identify as.

    In addition, everyone has some type of darkness and people's darkness could be anything. Anyone could be suicidal as mental health struggles, and any struggles are not always visible. So, always watch the way you talk to people and treat them because you never know who is really struggling with anxiety and depression or who could become suicidal. Check up on the mental health of yourself, friends, family, students, coworkers, etc. You could save a life just through even small acts of kindness.

[Image Description: "EVERYONE IS GOING THROUGH A ROUGH BATTLE YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. SO ALWAYS BE KIND." in center-aligned white letters on black letter board with beige wooden bordering; The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

2. "Your feelings are valid."
    All feelings are valid no matter what they are about. It is okay to express our emotions and then, we should use any self-regulation techniques that help us.

[Image Description: "YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. YOU ARE ALWAYS ENTITLED TO YOUR FEELINGS." in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. I am also holding the letter board while sitting on my bed.]

3. "Even though it is going to be a while, every day is one day closer to something you don't like ending." (means the same as the commonly used affirmation "This is only temporary").
    This is an affirmation that I made up for myself last year when I was going through something really stressful. While I did not put up with crap from people, I also thought this in my mind to let myself know that what I was going through would not last forever. Telling myself this was during any tough times (examples: difficult gen ed classes, arguments, toxic people, negative moments, etc.) is very relieving.

[Image Description: "THIS IS ONLY TEMPORARY" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

4. "I am so happy that you are here."
    When any of my students were having rough days last year, I started telling them this after seeing many other teachergrammers posting about saying this statement to their students. It appeared to boost their self-esteem for the most part. So, I started saying this affirmation to them throughout the day every day no matter how they were feeling. I try to tell my other loved ones and friends this too.

[Image Description: "Six words that can change a student's day:" in center-aligned black text. "I'm glad you're in my class" in center-aligned teal cursive text. The teal rectangular "WE ARE TEACHERS" in center-aligned white text logo is in the bottom right corner and the background of the image is white.]

5. "Today is a good day to have a good day."
    Telling myself this in the morning and throughout the day encourages and motivates me with hope that the day will be positive and productive.

[Image Description: "TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO HAVE A GOOD DAY" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with a beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

6. "I am so happy that I made it to today and this far."
    Telling myself this affirmation is one of the ways that I express self-pride and recognize my achievements. Definitely another big self-esteem booster!

[Image Description: "I AM SO HAPPY THAT I MADE IT TO TODAY AND THIS FAR" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with a beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

7. "The best is yet to come."
    This motivates me that there are other wonderful things that will happen in my future and during tough times, it gives me hope to be happy with positive moments again.

[Image Description: "THE BEST IS YET TO COME" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

8. "It is okay not to be okay."
    While it is important to try to have positive moments and recognize them, it is also important to recognize when things are not going well. This affirmation is another way to validate negative feelings because it truly is "okay not to be okay." It is okay to struggle and have bad days while working towards improvement. And sometimes everyone needs a good cry.

[Image Description: "IT IS OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY" in center-aligned white letters on black letter board with wooden bordering. I am also holding the letter board while standing and the image has a black and white filter.]

9. "Everyone's experiences are different and matter."
    This affirmation validates and recognizes everyone's diversity journey. Every disability journey, LGBTQ+ journey, mental health journey, healing journey, cancer journey, career journey, parenting journey, and other type of journey is experienced differently and matters equally. All deserve to be recognized and welcomed no matter how their experience goes. Conformity should not be expected and recognizing this is part of diversity.

[Image Description: "EVERY DISABILITY, MENTAL HEALTH, AND HEALING JOURNEY IS DIFFERENT AND MATTERS" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a white filler heart on the right side of "MATTERS" along with the letter board laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

10. "I walk slowly, but I never go backwards." -Abraham Lincoln
    This quote can relate to this disability community who may take longer to do things due to their differences such as slow processing speed, poor working memory/short-term memory loss, difficulty with comprehension, taking longer to heal from trauma, etc., but do not give up.

[Image Description: "I WALK SLOWLY, BUT I NEVER GO BACKWARDS. -ABRAHAM LINCOLN" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

11. "I can and I will."
    This affirmation recognizes that even though the disability community may have limits or struggles, they are still capable of improvement and success and will improve and succeed if they continuously try and do not use disability an excuse to not try.

[Image Description: "I CAN AND I WILL" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a big white star attached to the letter board in the bottom right corner along with the letter standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

12. "You are safe."
    This is one of my top favorite positive affirmations because it is so trauma-informed. This affirmation is commonly used in trauma-informed practices for people who struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)/Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)/post-trauma anxiety when they are experiencing flashbacks that make them feel like or think they are reliving the trauma. This reassures them of the present in a kind, respectful manner.

[Image Description: "YOU ARE SAFE" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a small white filler heart placed center aligned under "SAFE" along with the letter board standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

13. "I can be independent and still need help." Alexandra Elle
    This is another one of my top favorite positive affirmations! I love "and" instead of "but" statement affirmations because they validate both importances of things (Fyi it is okay to use the word "but." This type of affirmation just encourages to use the word "and" more than "but" to uplift self-esteem). This specific affirmation recognizes the importance of independence while also validating that it is okay to need help. It also recognizes that people who need help are still capable of independence.

[Image Description: The image is of a page from the book Today I Affirm: A Journal That Nurtures Self-Care written by Alexandra Elle. "SAMPLE ENTRY" is in center-aligned black italicized text at the top of the page. There are two columns on the page with lines separating the words. The words "I can be" are in center-aligned black italicized text at the top of the left side column and the words "strong, independent, grieving, direct, a leader, understanding, creative, a listener" are in center-aligned black italicized text in a horizontal row in the left side column. The words "and still" are in center-aligned black italicized text at the top of the right side column and the words "be soft, need support, find joy, be kind, need guidance, have boundaries, need inspiration, have a voice" are in center-aligned black italicized text in a horizontal row in the right side column.]

14. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." -Confucius
    This is another positive affirmation that can be helpful to the disability community who may take longer to do things due to their difficulties and even when people are on their healing journeys since healing takes time.

[Image Description: "IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW SLOWLY YOU GO AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT STOP. -CONFUCIUS" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

15. "You matter."
    Sometimes people are treated like or told that they don't matter which can be very hurtful. All deserve to be welcomed and treated like they matter. Everyone's stories, differences, backgrounds, struggles, and experiences matter. So, telling them that they matter may help for reassurance.

[Image Description: "YOU MATTER & YOU ARE LOVED" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a white filler heart, then a white heart suit, and then another white filler heart placed center aligned under "LOVED" on the letter board. I am also sitting on a beige carpeted floor holding the letter board.]

16. "I can be a true friend and still set boundaries."
    This is another one of my top favorite positive affirmations because it is another "and" statement. This affirmation recognizes and both the importance of true friendships and the importance of boundaries while also validating that it is okay to set boundaries. It also recognizes that people who set boundaries can still be true friends.

[Image Description: Image of a page from the book Today I Affirm: A Journal That Nurtures Self-Care written by Alexandra Elle. The words "Today I affirm:" are in center-aligned black cursive text at the top left corner of the page. The date "1/25/2021" in written in gray pencil on a black line on part of the top left side of the page. There are also two columns on the page separated by black lines. The words "I can be" are in center-aligned black text at the top of the left side column. The words "independent, a hard worker, smart, knowledgeable, a good friend, family member, teacher, and employee, highly skilled, creative, healing, successful, be brave" are written horizontally in gray pencil in the left side column. The words "and still" are in center-aligned black text at the top of the right side column. The words "need help, take breaks, make mistakes, not have all of the answers yet, have boundaries, struggle, need inspiration, feel pain, need guidance, be nervous" are written horizontally in gray pencil in the right side column.]

17. "You are enough."
    Sometimes people who struggle with their mental health or when people are going through hard times they may feel like, being treated like, or be told that they are not good enough. Telling them that they are good enough can be a great way of providing reassurance.

[Image Description: "YOU ARE ENOUGH" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a white filler heart placed center aligned under "ENOUGH" on the letter board. I am also sitting on a beige carpeted floor holding the letter board.]

18. "Self-care is not selfish."
    There are many people who think that self-care is selfish when it is far from selfish. Self-care is extremely important for everyone's mental health. Self-care can be anything such as, but not limited to taking mental health days, naps, breaks, adult coloring, deep breathing, mindfulness, reading positive affirmations (like you are right now! 😄), reading self-help books, listening to music, yoga, exercising, showering, goal setting and attempting to reach those goals, journaling, trying to maintain a growth mindset, drinking tea, using blankets, setting boundaries, etc. And it does not matter how long this time for self-care goes on for even if it is over a week or month and does not make you "lazy" or "a bad friend" at all because everyone needs as much time as possible to help themselves. Plus in order to be there for others, you have be there for yourself too just like the oxygen mask scenario on airplanes where parents/guardians have to put the oxygen mask on themselves first and then, the children in emergencies. Self-care will not cure mental health struggles, but it can improve mental health by boosting self-esteem and help along healing journeys. To read more about why self-care is so beneficial to mental health and more ways to self-care, click on the link below to read another one of my blog posts.

Related Links:

[Image Description: "SELF-CARE IS NOT SELFISH" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with a beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

19. "It seems to come slow. It seems to be a surgery. Forgiveness. Healing. Sobriety. Letting go. Starting over. It seems to happen slowly over time." -To Write Love on Her Arms
    This affirmation validates slow process of healing journeys. Healing truly does take time and this seems to be something that people seem to struggle to understand, especially when they people with anxiety to "move on." It is not that people with anxiety cannot ever move on from anything, but people expect it to happen right away each time and it does not work that way. The healing need lots of time to heal and actually typically do not move on (the alternative statement to say is next in #20) because what happened changes them. People who have experienced trauma can improve, but are typically never the same again because what happened will always stay with them. Like I said, healing is process that takes time and is usually lifelong. 

[Image Description: "It seems to come slow. It seems to be a surgery. Forgiveness. Healing. Sobriety. Letting go. Starting over. It seems to happen slowly over time." in right-aligned light yellow text. "TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS." logo is in bottom left corner as a yellow box with the organization's name in left-aligned black text. "#WELCOMETOMIDNIGHT" is also in yellow and white text on the right side of the logo. The background color of the image is charcoal black.]

20. "Move forward."
    Like I said in #19, people with PTSD/C-PTSD/post-trauma anxiety typically are unable to ever move on because the healing journey tends to be a lifelong journey and disabilities do not go away. They move forward meaning that they do not let what happened control their lives completely. Moving on means that what happened does not affect the person's mental health at all and it is like what happened never happened.

[Image Description: "MOVE FORWARD" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a white airplane pointing to the right and attached to the letter board center aligned under "FORWARD" along with the letter board standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

21. "You do not need permission for how you live your life."
    I really like this affirmation for people who have struggled with being negatively controlled and nitpicked by others for choices they have made and how they live their lives. Other people have no right to provide unsolicited advice to you because you are the one who is in control of your life, and it is up to you how you do things and the choices you make.

[Image Description: "YOU DO NOT NEED PERMISSION FOR HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. I am also standing holding the letter board.]

22. "You are worthy."
    I really enjoy telling myself self-affirmations starting with "You are. . ." like these during rough times. While it is important to be self-aware of our struggles, telling ourselves and others affirmations like these can remind us of the positive things that we are too to show that our differences are not all that we are.

[Image Description: "YOU ARE WORTHY" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a small white filler heart placed center aligned under "WORTHY" and I am sitting on a beige carpeted floor while holding the letter board.]

23. "What happened does not define you."
    When something does not define someone, it means that it is not all that they are. An autistic person/person with autism or autism spectrum disorder/person on the autism spectrum may be nonverbal or struggle with their social skills, but that does not mean that they cannot communicate at all; there are plenty of other alternative ways to communicate too. A person with Down Syndrome or learning disabilities/learning disabled person may struggle with understanding things or socially, but that does not mean that they cannot ever learn, socialize, or understand anything. A person may struggle with PTSD or symptoms related to PTSD and flashbacks from their traumas, but that does not make their traumas and mental health conditions all that they are. A person may struggle with reading from having dyslexia/being dyslexic, but does not mean that they cannot read at all and so on. People can still be capable of doing things despite their struggles and improvement is possible. Improvement is not a cure; it is self-growth without those struggles going away completely.

[Image Description: "WHAT HAPPENED DOES NOT DEFINE YOU" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

24. "I can be smart and still make mistakes."
    This is another self-affirmation. Again, I really like that it is another "and" statement and self-affirmations that start with "I" or "I can/am. . ." are great too. Remember that it is okay to recognize that you are smart as long as you are not using it to put down others. According to Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, everyone has smarts even if it something as small as being good at taking care of your skin or playing sports or academics. The full meaning of this self-affirmation shows that someone can be smart, that being smart does not make them perfect, and it is okay for smart people to make mistakes.

Related Link:

25. "I am brave."
    This is a great "I am. . ." self-affirmation reminder to us all during rough times that we are still capable of getting through hard stuff with bravery. It can also reassure the mental health community that despite their struggles with anxiety and depression, they can still experience bravery.

[Image Description: "I AM BRAVE" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a big white star center aligned under "BRAVE" and I am standing holding the letter board.]

26. "I am strong."
    This is another great self-affirmation reminder for people who show strength during difficult times or even when the aftermath of those hard times still affects them, but they do not give up. It can also reassure the mental health community that despite their struggles with anxiety and depression, they can still be strong.

[Image Description: "I AM STRONG" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a big white star center-aligned under "STRONG" and I am standing holding the letter board.]

27. "You deserve to heal and feel better."
    Sometimes people who have experienced trauma are told that they are incapable of healing as if their traumas define them or that "healing is selfish." This is far from true. It is up to each individual to do whatever they want to do or not do to improve and heal from what they want through. Disabilities/mental health conditions are permanent; so, there is no cure, and improvement just means that they could still be struggling in the same areas or other areas while also struggling less in certain areas than they did before. Healing is beneficial to mental health for the purpose of boosting self-esteem, motivation, and getting through hard times. Feeling better with mental health conditions also does not mean that the person is cured; it means that they could be feeling better than they used to be while still struggling which is also improvement.

[Image Description: "YOU DESERVE TO HEAL AND FEEL BETTER" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

28. "My story matters."
    There is a social issue that I have noticed that is really upsetting in the world of advocating for diversity, which is the mindset that every diverse community experiences their differences the same way, especially the disability/disabled/differently-abled community. This is not true at all. Every disability journey is experienced differently and there is no one way to get a disability/become disabled/differently-abled, be diagnosed, struggle, improve, or identify. The fact that every experience is different is diversity too and in order to be neurodiverse and accepting of all diverse communities, this needs to be recognized too. Also, contrary to popular belief, not everyone diagnosed with disabilities identifies with identity-first language. The majority identifies with identity-first language and this does not mean all and it is not "just about the majority." There are still people who identify with people-first language, neutrally-inclusive language, both PFL and IFL, all three identities, and it even does not matter to some people. If you meet someone who opens up to you about their disability, ask them what they identify as and use the terminology that they identify with. If "everyone matters" like we say they do, then we need to recognize all of their diverse backgrounds and identities and show that all of them matter.

[Image Description: "MY STORY MATTERS" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

29. "People can have disabilities/be disabled/differently-abled and still be capable."
    This self-affirmation helps the disability community realize that despite their struggles, they still have abilities.

30. "People can be in emotional pain and still experience happiness."
    This validates the mental health community's emotions while also allowing them the right to happiness. While mental health conditions do not just go away because there is no cure, the mental health community are capable of improvement just like the rest of the disability community. In this case, this would mean that when the mental health community improves, their struggles are still happening and are just happening less than they used to. So, the more that they improve, the more their self-esteem is boosted to experience happiness while still struggling with anxiety and depression.

[Image Description: "PEOPLE CAN BE IN EMOTIONAL PAIN AND STILL EXPERIENCE HAPPINESS" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

31. "She is at a place in her life where peace is her priority and negativity cannot exist."
    In times of stress from difficult life events, I pray for some peace in my life and this is an affirmation that I told myself after a traumatic life event a few years ago. While the mental health community does struggle with negative thoughts and mental health conditions cannot be cured, this affirmation can inspire them to find as much peace as possible to improve their self-esteem and avoid as much of any negativity as possible.

[Image Description: "She is at a place in her life where peace is her priority and negativity cannot exist" in center-aligned black typewriter printed text. The background is also white.]

32. "Today I comfort my inner child."
    This is a great self-affirmation for the mental health community to use for self-help to get through the aftermath of childhood trauma. Like I keep saying, PTSD/C-PTSD/post-trauma anxiety is real and does not just go away because there is no cure with improvement being possible. So, this affirmation validates the acts of self-care and validating oneself's struggles affected by childhood trauma.

[Image Description: "TODAY I COMFORT MY INNER CHILD" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a small white filler heart center aligned under "INNER CHILD" and the letter board is stilling on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

33. "Fall seven times. Stand up eight." -Japanese proverb
    This affirmation resonates with the people who keep trying and do not give up despite their struggles.

[Image Description: "Fall seven times, stand up eight." in center-aligned black typewriter printed text. The background of the words is also a light beige color.]

34. "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." -Auggie Pullman
    I love this affirmation from the book/movie Wonder because of how much I take teaching about kindness, diversity, and inclusion in schools so seriously through my teacher philosophy. These topics are not taught about enough in schools and I am especially talking about the disability component. While diversity overall needs to be taught about more, I noticed that when these lessons are discussed in schools, recognizing that the disability community is part of diversity too is often left out. To prevent bullying from such a serious problem in schools is why these lessons need to be taught about at all and way more to students. Teachers need to actually show that they care about the students well-being by reinforcing it outside of the lessons when the discrimination does occur by handling the situations in a serious matter and making sure that the students are applying any of the inclusion and kindness practices in and outside of school.

[Image Description: Auggie Pullman standing on the left in a maroon jacket and olive green t-shirt and Jack Will standing on the right in a light blue, dark blue, and light gray jacket and navy blue tshirt. There are many kids walking behind Auggie and Jack. "When given the choice between right or being kind," is also in center-aligned white text across the image and "choose kind" is in center-aligned blue text under "being right or being kind."]

35. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr.
    This quote also recognizes the importance of teaching about bullying prevention in schools. As an advocate for humanity, this is one of my top favorite MLK quotes. It is completely true that no one's differences define them meaning that their differences are not all that they are.

[Image Description: "DARKNESS CANNOT DRIVE OUT DARKNESS; ONLY LIGHT CAN DO THAT. HATE CANNOT DRIVE OUT HATE; ONLY LOVE CAN DO THAT. -MLK" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a white piece sign and white filler heart placed above "DARKNESS" on the letter board. The letter board is also laying on a light purple and white bed sheet.]

36. "Don't let anyone tell you that your brokenness isn't worth it." - Five Foot One Teacher
    Your struggles, trauma, and any differences do not define you meaning that they are not all that you are. No matter what anyone says or what happens, you can still do wonderful things and succeed despite those struggles of yours. You can do things even if they are hard and can heal from traumatic or upsetting events eventually even if it takes a while. It is not about how long it takes for it to happen; it is about IF it happens. Despite your differences and past, there are great qualities about you. You can get through this. Also, your darkness does not have to look like anyone else's for it to be darkness and valid. All darkness and feelings are valid. You are beauty, strong, amazing, brave, resilient, and worthy and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

[Image Description: "DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT YOUR BROKENNESS ISN'T WORTH IT" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

37. "Your trauma is valid. Even if other people have experienced 'worse.' Even if someone else who went through the same experience doesn't feel debilitated by it. Even if it 'could have been avoided.' Even if it happened a long time ago. Even if no one knows. Your trauma is real and valid and you deserve a space to talk about it. It isn't desperate or pathetic or attention-seeking. It's self-care. It's inconceivably brave. And regardless of the magnitude of your struggle, you're allowed to take care of yourself by processing and unloading some of the pain you carry. Your pain matters. Your experience matters. And your healing matters. Nothing and no one can take that away." -Daniell Koepke
    This is another one of my most favorite affirmations for trauma survivors/warriors. All traumatic experiences are different even if you have experienced the same type of trauma as someone else. If your trauma is not experienced the same way as others who experienced that same type of trauma, what happened to you still matters and is valid. Even if your trauma is not the same type as others' traumas or "not as bad" as other traumatic events, it still matters and counts as trauma. Even if you do not have PTSD, C-PTSD, or post-trauma anxiety, your trauma still matters. Even if you do not react the same exact way as others did to your traumatic experience, your feelings still matter and are valid. Even if your healing journey is experienced differently than others, your trauma and healing journey still matters and it is okay to be different from others. Any emotionally distressing event is trauma and all healing journeys matter and deserve equal recognition.

[Image Description: "Your trauma is valid. Even if other people have experienced "worse." Even if someone else who went through the same experience doesn't feel debilitated by it. Even if it "could have been avoided." Even if it happened a long time ago. Even if no one knows. Your trauma is real and valid and you deserve a space to talk about it. It isn't desperate or pathetic or attention-seeking. It's self-care. It's inconceivably brave. And regardless of the magnitude of your struggle, you're allowed to take care of yourself by processing and unloading some of the pain you carry. Your pain matters. Your experience matters. And your healing matters. Nothing and no one can take that away. Daniell Koepke" in center-aligned black text with a light gray background.]

38. "Feel the fear and do it anyway." -Susan Jeffers
    This affirmation reassures that it is okay to go out of our comfort zones and that sometimes everyone needs to in order to accomplish great things. Yes, there is such a thing as change being bad sometimes while good things can also come out of change too such as transferring schools for a better education or quitting a job for a better pay in a new job or to get out of a toxic workplace environment or leaving a toxic relationship or friendship or quitting bad habits or lifestyle changes to improve in the areas that you are struggling in and so on. Nothing changes without change and you never know unless you try.

[Image Description: "FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a small white arrow pointing to the right center aligned above "FEEL THE" and another one of the same arrows pointing to the right center aligned under "ANYWAY." The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

39. "Slow progress is still progress."
    It is not about WHEN someone reaches the achievement. It is about IF they reach those achievements. Success is not a race, and it is okay for people to take their time sometimes.

[Image Description: "SLOW PROGRESS IS STILL PROGRESS" in center-aligned black italicized text placed in the middle of the image. The background color of the image is medium yellow.]

40. "Childhood is not a race to see how quickly a child can read, write, and count. It is a small window of time to learn and develop at the pace that is right for each individual child." -Magda Gerber
    This is so true and important for all educators and families of children and people overall to keep in mind. Development is not a race at all. Every child and person is different overall, learns differently, and experiences everything differently. It is not about WHEN they get there; it is about IF they get there. Also, keep in mind that every disability journey and experience with any differences is different. In order to be neurodiverse, inclusive, and an advocate for ALL and ANY differences, this needs to be recognized.

[Image Description: "CHILDHOOD IS NOT A RACE TO SEE HOW QUICKLY A CHILD CAN READ, WRITE, AND COUNT. IT IS A SMALL WINDOW OF TIME TO LEARN AND DEVELOP AT THE PACE THAT IS RIGHT FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL CHILD. -MAGDA GERBER" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

41. "She knows who she is. She just forgot it for a little while." -Donald Miller
    Sometimes after experiencing trauma or any negativity, people struggle with wishing they could be who they used to be before that bad experience meaning that they were happier before it happened. This is just a little reminder that it is okay if finding yourself again takes time and it is okay if it takes longer or shorter than it did for others.

[Image Description: "SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS; SHE JUST FORGOT IT FOR A LITTLE WHILE." in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

42. "Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she began to fly."
    This affirmation resonates with when people may be really struggling and lose hope for improvement until something amazing happens that results in them experiencing that improvement or any positivity.

[Image Description: "Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she began to fly." in center-aligned black letters. There is also a black and clear abstractly designed butterfly above "Just when the." There is also Learning in Life's logo center-aligned at the bottom of the image. The logo is "Learning" in bright blue font, "in" in yellow font, "Life" in light green font" and a person holding a yellow star on a green and blue globe. The background of the whole image is beige.]

43. "Happiness comes in waves. It will find you again."
    This quote shows that people with anxiety and depression can experience happiness too despite their struggles with emotions. Yes, there is no cure for anxiety and depression, but like I keep saying, improvement can happen which is when the struggles are still there while happening less. Even if the anxiety and depression stops for that moment with happiness even over something small, happiness has found you again (Skip to #70 to read something to tell yourself that may help you during depressive episodes).

[Image Description: "Happiness comes in waves it will find you again" in center-aligned white typewriter text outlined in black. The background of the words is a sea green, dark green, bright blue, and dark purple ocean.]

44. "The best revenge is showing them that your life is getting better after they're gone."
    Bullies and toxic people can manipulate their victims into thinking that their life is only good with them in it in order to get away with their nasty actions. After the bullies/toxic people leave their lives, it is enjoyable to prove them wrong with all of the wonderful things that happened in the aftermath.

[Image Description: "THE BEST REVENGE IS SHOWING THEM THAT YOUR LIFE IS GETTING BETTER AFTER THEY ARE GONE" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. I am also standing while holding the letter board.]

45. "Sometimes the hardest choices we make are the best thing we could have done for ourselves." -Unknown

[Image Description: "Sometimes the hardest choices we make are the best thing we could have done for ourselves." in big left-aligned light pink text. "@theunbreakableorg" is also in smaller center-aligned light pink text center aligned at the bottom of the image. The background of the image is also light yellow.]

46. "There is no one way to heal."
    This is a great reminder and validation that every healing journey is different. No matter how long it takes for anyone to make progress in their healing, no matter what types of self-care anyone uses (from therapy to lotion to naps to setting boundaries to goal-setting to deep breathing to mindfulness to yoga to adult coloring to reading positive affirmations to exercising to healthy eating to listening to music to alone time to taking breaks to journaling, etc.), as long as it helps them and they are not hurting anyone including themselves, every healing journey matters and is valid no matter the way each one works out.

[Image Description: "There is no one way to heal." in center-aligned white text. "@theunbreakableorg" is also in center-aligned white text at the middle bottom of the image. The background color of the image is also light yellow.]

47. "It is okay if being strong looks different for you right now." -Five Foot One Teacher
    I really like this affirmation as a self-reminder for people struggling with PTSD/C-PTSD/post-trauma anxiety. Sometimes healing journeys get judged for being different than what others expected it to look like or because it is different than others' healing journeys. There is a common misconception that every healing journey is experienced the same and that if someone's healing journey is not like others', then the person is not experiencing a healing journey. Some people also struggle with wanting to be who they were before their traumas or negative life events meaning that they were happier before it happened. Every healing journey is different, and it is okay to different. It also okay to refer to yourself as strong if you choose to.

[Image Description: "It is okay if being strong looks different for you right now" in center-aligned olive green text in the middle of the image; "@theunbreakableorg" is also in center-aligned olive green text at the middle bottom of the image. The background color of the image is cream.]

48. "You always can go back to the light. Even if it flickers, even if it looks a little bit different than you remember it to be, you can always go back to the light." -Five Foot One Teacher
    I love this affirmation that Five Foot One Teacher stated in a TedTalk she spoke in about her trauma.

49. "Not all who wander are lost."
    This has always been one of my favorite quotes that resonates with disabilities. It is true that not all who wander are lost. Not all people with struggles are lost or fail. Disabilities do not define anyone and what this means is that their disability is not the only part of them. Their condition DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY CAN'T do anything or are unintelligent; it means that they just have a harder time in certain areas than most people. There is a common misconception that people with disabilities/disabled/differently-abled people have no potential. yes, they have lots of struggles, limits, and have a hard time in certain areas more than others, but they are also just like everyone else in so many ways. They can make lots of accomplishments even in similar areas as others without disabilities such as in school and jobs. They can get A's, work dream jobs, get promotions at work, volunteer, guest speak, volunteer, win awards, have special skills and talents, get married, be good friends, have goals, and have lots of the same abilities, interests, hobbies, likes, and interests as us too. When they hit bumps in the road, they can work hard to improve and come far if they choose to too. If given a chance you will see that they can do many of the same things as everyone else too. Never assume incapability without trying to see what people with disabilities/disabled/differently-abled people can do. The disability community has more potential than people think.

[Image Description: A mug painted and decorated as a flowered van with black, brown, and white wheels, blue, aqua, and purple flowers, and off-white windows outlined in gray and a white handle on the mug. "NOT ALL WHO WANDER ARE LOST" is in center-aligned black text in the middle of the front of the cup. The mug also filled with hair scrunchies. The mug is also sitting on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

50. "A smile is the best makeup that someone can wear."
    You never know anyone is going through. So always be kind. Struggles of any kind can be invisible in many cases. All because someone is smiling does not mean that they have it easy. Never assume and always say something if you see someone who appears upset because it could be much worse than you think. Always be kind the way you talk to all people too. We all go through battles and will experience difficult life events at some point in our lives. Everyone has darkness even if it is smaller than others' darkness and all darkness matters even if it is a bad breakup, trauma, failing grade in school, depression, etc. Even if traumatizing incidents do not release PTSD/C-PTSD/post-trauma anxiety in you, but you were there, you still experienced trauma and you never who has experienced trauma, how much trauma anyone has experienced, or how bad it was. No matter what kind of trauma it was or whether you were in the room, but were in the building when it happened, it is still trauma. People with disabilities, anxiety, and/or depression are still people too and all because they are smiling or appear "okay" does not mean that they have it altogether. No one has it altogether. Disabilities are invisible sometimes too. We all go through things and everyone's feelings are equally valid no matter what happened. Show care for everyone's mental health.

[Image Description: "A SMILE IS THE BEST MAKEUP A PERSON CAN WEAR" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a white smiley face on the left side of "WEAR" and another white smiley face on the right side of "WEAR." I am also holding the letter board while wearing a gray and white shirt and while sitting on a beige carpet.]

51. "Some days she has no idea how she'll do it, but every single day it still gets done."

[Image Description: "SOME DAYS SHE HAS NO IDEA HOW SHE'LL DO IT. BUT EVERY SINGLE DAY, IT STILL GETS DONE." in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered table cloth on a white bureau with a bright pink wall as the background.]

52. "Choose, every day, to forgive yourself. You are human, flawed, and most of all worthy of love." -Alison Malee
    Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes do not define anyone unless they let it define them by not doing anything about it to improve. Change is needed in order to improve and nothing changes without change. Instead letting it define you, forgive yourself, move forward, and grow.

53. "I can do hard things."
    This is a great reminder that despite anyone's struggles, they are still capable of doing things even sometimes in the areas that they struggle in in order to improve and survive.

[Image Description: "I can do hard things" in center-aligned cursive text on a coloring page (I forget who designed it. So I apologize to the creator for not shouting them out! If you see this, I love you and your work! Keep being you.) The letters are colored in all of the colors of the rainbow, which are red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, light purple, dark purple, and light pink. There are also five flowers that I colored in as purple with a circle in the middle of each that I colored in as orange along with five other flowers that I colored in as light pink with a circle in the middle of each that I also colored in as purple.]

54. "Give yourself time to grow. Self-acceptance is a process." -Niveditha Mathikrishna
    This affirmation validates that healing is a process that does not happen overnight. It is a slow process and sometimes slower than others healing journeys. It is a great reminder that it is okay to take it slow in the healing journey and self-growth.

55. "Life had broken much of her but she was there still persisting in the shards of her pieces." -Atticus

[Image Description: "Life had broken much of her but she was there still persisting in the shards of her pieces. Atticus" in center-aligned white typewriter printed text. The background of the text is all in black.]

56. "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." -Mother Teresa
    Kind words can go a long way. Be nice to EVERYONE always. You never know ANYONE is going through and what you say or do could make a big difference.

[Image Description: "KIND IS GOLD" in center-aligned gold text with a gold abstract design surrounding it on an off-white woodblock sign; The woodblock sign is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

57. "Life changes. You lose love. You lose friends. You lose pieces of yourself that you never imagined would be gone. And then, without you even realizing it, these pieces come back. New love enters. Better friends come along. And a stronger, wise you is staring back in the mirror. No matter how bad it gets, better days are always waiting, hoping you'll make it there to accept the smiles and joy that they're offering." -Preetham Mohanty

58. "A bad day does not make you a bad person."
    This affirmation validates that it okay to have bad days. Everyone has bad days.

[Image Description: "A BAD DAY DOES NOT MAKE YOU A BAD PERSON" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

59. "Start somewhere."
    This another affirmation that validates every journey of experiencing anything from healing to disabilities to mental health to careers being different. You have to start somewhere and it is okay if your start of anything is not the same as others.

[Image Description: "START SOMEWHERE" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

60. "Enjoy the little things. For one day, you will look back and discover they were the big things."
    This quote is so true and validating of all ways to make a difference. I truly believe that even small things can make a big difference. Compliments can go a long way as small as they are. Everyone has something good about them even cruel people. A person can be cruel and pretty (making them good at physical self-care) or intelligent. A person can be ugly and really nice. A person can be mean and artistic. A person can be not good at math and still be smart by being good at other things. A person can make mistakes and still be smart. A person can do bad things and change for the better (FYI I am not generalizing all bad people when I say this and not insisting to forgive anyone. Just proving a point and it is your choice to forgive or not and either way is valid because that is always up to you). A person can struggle academically and be a talented athlete. A person can be mean and be academically talented. In addition, small techniques for improvement such as drinking water to maintain one's overall health or encouraging class jobs to improve behaviors and self-esteem and build independence are also small examples of making big differences. Practicing skills at a young age to be prepared for situations in the long run is another example.

[Image Description: "ENJOY THE LITTLE THINGS. FOR ONE DAY, YOU WILL LOOK BACK AND DISCOVER THEY WERE THE BIG THINGS" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

61. "Intelligence - plus character - that is the true goal of education." -Martin Luther King Jr.
    Teachers need to not only teach about academics in order to build students' intelligence; they should also be teaching about kindness, respect, celebrating diversity, and inclusion too. Everyone needs these important lessons to be prepared for life too.

[Image Description: "INTELLIGENCE - PLUS CHARACTER - THAT IS THE TRUE GOAL OF EDUCATION. -MARTIN LUTHER KING JR." in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

62. "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." -Henry Ford
Think more about what could go right and less about what could go wrong.

63. "I am pretty positive that no good will come from always focusing on the negative."
    So, this affirmation is not invalidating negative thoughts at all because all feelings are valid and it is okay not to be okay all of the time. It just recognizes the importance that everyone should not just focus only on the negative. The positive deserves recognition too even if it is something small such as small acts of kindness (examples: hellos, goodbyes, smiling at someone, compliments, handing something to someone, kind strangers, etc.), small and big accomplishments, showing up, taking care of ourselves, something you read online, a nice message from someone, something good you witnessed, etc. Focus on what you can do and less what you can't do also applies to this too. We should be aware of what we can't do or struggle in while it is also important to be aware of what we can do which includes small and big abilities.

[Image Description: "I AM PRETTY POSITIVE THAT NO GOOD WILL COME FROM ALWAYS FOCUSING ON THE NEGATIVE" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also standing on a flowered tablecloth on a white bureau in front of a bright pink wall.]

64. "Be the person you needed when you were younger."
    I definitely keep this in mind as part of my teacher philosophy. As a future teacher, there are so many things that I have experienced, seen, or heard other teachers say or do that I would also do/have done along with things that they let go on to and/or have done to their students that I would do so much differently. Before I started teaching, I always knew that when I became a teacher that I would never do any of those negative things that those teachers did.

[Image Description: "BE THE PERSON YOU NEEDED WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

65. "Be original. Don't die a copy." -JOHN MASON
    Be yourself and embrace your struggles and differences. They are a part of who you are and always will be. Avoid being a bandwagon jumper.

[Image Description: "BE ORIGINAL. DON'T DIE A COPY" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. There is also a big white star attached center aligned under the first two letters of "COPY" and the letter board is laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt as the background.]

66. "I think that there should be a rule that everyone gets a standing ovation at least once in their lives." -Auggie Pullman
    I take promoting kindness, positivity, and inclusion in all classrooms very seriously. This is an extremely important topic that needs to be taught about to all students of all ages no matter how old they are. It is not taught about enough and everyone deserves kindness and love. Lessons like these can boost students' self-esteem and reduce social isolation and bullying. For my first three years of teaching, I taught toddlers from the ages of twelve to twenty-four months old. My students may have only been young toddlers, but I taught these lessons to them in a way that they would understand on their developmental levels and so can all other age groups. Giving students of all abilities and differences equal attention is very important to make them and their families all feel welcomed and a sense of belonging. All of this can make students and their families feel safe and secure in the classroom and school environment too.

[Image Description: Image of a Auggie Pullman wearing a white and black space helmet and jumping on his bed in Star Wars pajamas. The quote "I believe everyone deserves a standing ovation at least once in their lifetime" is also in center-aligned blue and white text on the image.]

67. "The shell must break before the bird can fly." -Alfred Lord Tenyson
Fail to succeed.

[Image Description: "THE SHELL MUST BREAK BEFORE THE BIRD CAN FLY. -ALFRED LORD TENYSON" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

68. "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." -Martin Luther King Jr.
    I have always felt this quote resonates with me as a disability advocate. I have always noticed that acceptance of the disability/disabled/differently-abled community is not spread enough and it definitely needs to be. When I first joined Buddy Club, I noticed that awareness and acceptance of disabilities has always been spread, but there was very little of it back then. I am very glad that there is much more awareness and acceptance being spread these days while there still needs to be more of it. We still live in a cruel world with discriminators and this needs to be changed immediately. As an aspiring Special Education teacher, I want to make a difference in the lives of my students of all differences just like MLK did for people of all races. Just like MLK, I have a dream too that one day discrimination against people of all differences will end once and for all forever and that everyone in the diversity community will be free from judgement and hate and will always be accepted and included by everyone. Until then, I will keep fighting for the diversity community's rights for acceptance and inclusion.

[Image Description: "OUR LIVES BEGIN TO END THE DAY WE BECOME SILENT ABOUT THINGS THAT MATTER. -MARTIN LUTHER KING JR." in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

69. "I always wondered why nobody did something about that. Then, I realized that I am a somebody."
    This is what I told myself when I noticed how there used to be (and still is with improvement) less advocacy for the disability/disabled/differently-abled community. I wondered why there were not so many disability advocacy influencers (Don't get me wrong about this! All causes matter and deserve advocacy and inclusion! Disabilities just do not get equal recognition a lot of the time and that is the point that I am trying to make here). So, then, that was when I realized that I am a somebody who could do that and would enjoy doing it since I am so passionate about this cause. So, I started participating in more disability advocacy work and launched my disability advocate influencer page in April 2017 and it has been a success ever since.

[Image Description: "I ALWAYS WONDERED WHY NOBODY DID SOMETHING ABOUT THAT. THEN I REALIZED THAT I AM A SOMEBODY" in center-aligned white letters on a black letter board with beige wooden bordering. The letter board is also laying on a red, yellow, blue, and purple quilt.]

70. "This is a thought. It is okay to have thoughts." and once the thought stops, tell yourself, "I got through that thought. I can get through others."
    These affirmations have been known to help not all, but many people with anxiety and depression when they are experiencing traumatic flashbacks and/or any negative thoughts. They both validate that it is okay to struggle and not be okay and then, the second statement reassures that the moment was only temporary and that despite the mental health community's struggles that they are capable of doing hard things.

Remember that it is okay if not all or even any of these affirmations help you! Not everything that helps others helps everyone and even when something doesn't help others, does not mean that it will not help anyone. Everyone has different ways that help them.

Did any of these affirmations help you? Are there any other affirmations not listed here that you like? Comment below your favorite affirmations listed or not listed here. I would love to read them and even learn them for myself and to help others!

If you struggle with anxiety and depression, remember that you are not alone and there is hope. If you or someone you know needs support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text "HOME" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 if you live in the USA or text "CONNECT" to the Crisis Text Line at 686868 if you live in Canada.

You can also visit The Mighty's suicide prevention resources page by clicking on this link: 

Did you enjoy and find this post helpful? If you want to see more content like this and my other content about teaching and advocating for the disability community, please follow me on Instagram and like my Facebook page if you have not already by clicking on the hyperlinks below:

Give feedback! Questions? Compliments? Suggestions? Let me know in the comments section below and/or email me at !

If you repost any of my content to your own page or story, please tag me in the caption and the post and keep my logo visible. Thank you💕


1. (7 April 2013). "Never Ever Give Up: Fall seven times, Stand up eight." (25 September 2021). 

2. Five Foot One Teacher. Brittany Sinitch. 2018.

3. N.d. "Life had broken much of her but she was there still persisting in the shards of her pieces. Atticus." 

4. "76 Healing C-PTSD Quotes and Affirmations + Free Printable Flashcards." (2018). 

5. N.d. "Your trauma is valid." (25 September 2021).

6. MEME. (23 February 2019). "She is at a place in her life where peace if her priority and negativity cannot exist." (25 September 2021). 

7. "Opening up about my mental health: anxiety, depression, and PTSD." YouTube. Five Foot One Teacher. (20 May 2021). 

8. "25 Positive Affirmations to Heal Childhood Trauma." N.d. 

9. Self-love club. (1 July 2018). "SLOW PROGRESS IS STILL PROGRESS." (25 September 2021). 

10. "How to see good in the aftermath of tragedy | Brittany Sinitch | TEDxPineCrestSchool." YouTube. Tedx Talks. (2 July 2020). 

11. The Unbreakable Organization. (3 June 2021). "It is okay if being strong looks different for you right now. @theunbreakableorg." (25 September 2021). 

12. The Unbreakable Organization. (14 June 2021). "There is no one way to heal. @theunbreakableorg." (25 September 2021). 

13. Today I Affirm: A Journal That Nurtures Self-Care. Alexandra Elle. 2019. 

14. To Write Love on Her Arms. (29 December 2018). "It seems to come slow. It seems to be a surgery. Forgiveness. Healing. Sobriety. Letting go. Starting over. It seems to happen slowly over time." (25 September 2021). 

15. WeAreTeachers. (22 September 2021). "Six words that can change a student's day: I'm glad you're in my class." (25 September 2021). 

16. Wonder the Movie. (7 February 2018). "I believe everyone deserves a standing ovation at least once in their lifetime." (25 September 2021). 

17. Wonder the Movie. (15 January 2018). "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind." (25 September 2021). 


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